Financing Your Future – Excerpt From The Financial Shepherd

The Worth Report: 2018 Tax Cuts

Un- American Dream

Excerpt Adapted From: The Financial Shepherd- 
Why Dollars + Change = Sense by Glen Wright and Sy Pugh

Affordable education used to be an accessible rung on the ladder that led to economic success and upward mobility. However, “affordable education” is a paradox in the new millennium. On average, a high school diploma guarantees nothing more than the promise of a mediocre life marked by a low-paying job in a society where minimum wage does not support an individual’s ability to provide for his or her family. Across the nation, college tuition rates have outpaced salary increases, and many families simply cannot afford to educate their children without going further into debt by taking on student loans or taking out second mortgages on their homes.

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The Worth Report: Financial Inequalities

Introduction to The Financial Shepherd

Excerpt Adapted From: The Financial Shepherd- 
Why Dollars + Change = Sense by Glen Wright and Sy Pugh

Have you ever wondered why some people have SO much money, and why others have so little? What makes the super-rich any different from you? For anyone who has ever wondered what the difference is between the “haves” and the “have-nots,” you may have just found your answer. Regardless of how much money you have or don’t have, the journey to financial success begins with understanding and accepting how you think about money, how you feel about money, and what you know about money. Once you achieve a realistic assessment of where you are financially, there are specific steps and proven strategies that can propel you toward accomplishing positive financial goals and securing financial freedom.

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The Worth Report: Planning For 2018

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