
Planning > Investing

While investing can be pivotal in accumulating long-term wealth, the linchpin of financial success often rests on meticulous planning. Without a well-structured blueprint, there is a heightened risk of making suboptimal investment choices that can jeopardize your financial health over time. The driving force behind these statements is encouraging you to shift perspective—primarily if you have never worked with a financial advisor. Those unfamiliar with us may assume that investing is at the heart of what we do. 

Consider This

Investing is a piece of what we do; if there are layers of financial planning, planning is at the top. It is the intangible element that ties everything together. To explain why, consider the following illustrative scenario. A recent college graduate is 25 years old and is just beginning her career. To build wealth, she delves into the stock market. Because she knows the market, she makes the mistake of allocating all her capital into a single stock. She experiences a downturn when the value drops. 

Though the example was simple by design, several things are at play here. Had there been a pre-established financial strategy, she would have had the added advantage of being equipped with insights regarding risk appetite and investment objectives. Whereas this foundational understanding would have deterred hasty decisions, was this even the right option for her? In all likelihood, no. There’s nothing wrong with taking on more risk when you are younger, but several other ways to build long-term wealth don’t involve personally picking stocks. 

Find Your Plan 

A financial plan is a navigational tool that defines someone’s trajectory. Was the girl in the example a good fit for investing? Impossible to say. It depends on several factors, such as her current fiscal situation, objectives, risk tolerance, and having a blueprint that speaks to her savings, investments, and expenditures. Furthermore, there are no universal plans or strategies. Financial advisors should tailor their advice based on individual requisites.

However, there are several different questions that people should be able to answer before a financial advisor can begin formulating a plan.

– What sort of milestones are you looking to achieve? For example, are you focused on saving for a house, putting money aside for education, or want to build your retirement savings?

–  Although your age will factor into this decision, what is your comfort level with risk? Each type of investment comes with a different level of risk, and your financial position, age, and goals get factored into this decision. 

– Regarding your financial position, consider your savings, liabilities, and monthly budget. 

– Allow a financial planner to craft a road map that outlines how to allocate your money effectively. This must align with your goals.

Worth Advisors, LLC 

Worth Advisors, LLC serves our clients. To do so, we advocate planning over sheer investing. We are committed to curating a financial plan that works with your specific circumstances and long-term goals. Collaborating with us means genuine conversations about your aspirations, risk threshold, and current budget. Never underestimate the value of a budget, either. Although it doesn’t have the allure that investing does, it is a key component of the planning process. Allow us to build a plan for you because it is the heart of our financial services. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation. 

Disclaimer: Always consult a financial, tax, or legal professional familiar with your unique circumstances before making any financial decisions. This material is intended for educational purposes only. Nothing in this material constitutes a solicitation for the sale or purchase of any securities. Any rates of return are historical or hypothetical in nature and are not a guarantee of future returns, which may be lower or higher. Investments involve risk. Investment values will fluctuate with market conditions and security positions, when sold, may be worth less or more than their original cost.”

Effective Strategies To Minimize Your Biggest Liability

There’s a danger in perpetuating the worn-out cliche about death and taxes being the only certainties in life. The concern is that people accept that taxes are inevitable and are powerless to do anything about it. Ironically, many of these same people will discuss how the 1% find loopholes to avoid their tax obligations. Here’s the secret: There is no secret. The strategies employed by others, regardless of how wealthy they are, are at your disposal. Use them. The difference between them and you is that they refused to take a passive stance when limiting their most significant liability, i.e., their taxes. 

Worth Advisors, LLC empowers our clients by effectively delivering knowledge and strategies to reduce their tax liability. Like before, the only difference between them and you is that they decided to work with us. We will work with anyone because our beliefs are built around how everyone deserves a financial advisor. Are you living paycheck to paycheck and can’t afford to invest? Great. We’ll help you build a budget. Are you a professional coach with uncertainty about when and where your next job will be? We’ll help you plan for that too. 

How to Save Money on Your Taxes

Let’s start with something basic: Make pre-tax contributions to your retirement accounts. This is one of the most straightforward ways to lessen your taxable income. Contributions to your 401(k) or IRAs get deducted from your taxable income, resulting in significant tax savings. We like to tell our clients to pay themselves first. It doesn’t matter how much you make; it’s how much you save. This allows you to plan for your retirement while reducing your tax liability. 

One of the reasons that taxpayers miss out on potential deductions and credits is that they are unaware of them. We are. You must have a financial advisor who will learn about you and your goals while exploring and researching the possible tax breaks available to you. This includes deductions for medical expenses, student loan interest, and credits that can be used toward education or child care. You can maximize your tax savings by diligently claiming what you qualify for. 

Supporting charitable causes supports and nurtures your community and allows you to reduce your taxable income by donating to qualifying charitable organizations. To go even deeper, people must look at tax-advantaged investments like municipal bonds offering tax-exempt income. They deliver steady returns while also reducing your tax liability. 

Do You Accept That Taxes Are Your Biggest Liability?

They are, and taxes play a significant role in shaping your financial landscape. They reduce the amount of money available for savings, investments, and personal expenses, leaving you with fewer resources to achieve your financial goals. In addition, these tax considerations influence your financial planning decisions. This applies to retirement savings, funding your child’s education, or making significant purchases. Each one of these actions has tax implications. 

Go back to the old phrase of death and taxes. Though taxes may be unavoidable, you have several ways to limit your burden. Don’t be a passive bystander. 
One of the things you may be saying is that the 1% are using more strategies than we addressed in this blog. They are, and the things we have discussed here are the basics. The more we learn about you and your financial goals, the better position we will be in to help you manage your assets and accumulate wealth. If you are uncomfortable with the tax system, contact our team of experienced professionals who deliver personalized assistance. They will develop tax-saving strategies tailored to your specific situation. Contact Worth Advisors, LLC, to schedule a consultation. Take charge of your financial future.

Overcoming Fear, Increasing Your Net Worth, And Casinos

We would like to get in front of two things before we begin: People may view the world of investing as being mired in uncertainty. And if they assume that it is too complex to understand, they may shy away from doing or even seeking professional advice. Whether it is a fear of volatility, concerns about losing what they have accumulated, or a lack of understanding, these apprehensions will hinder people from realizing their full financial potential. 

At Worth Advisors, LLC, we believe that everyone, regardless of their income or assets, deserves access to a financial advisor that can help them increase their net worth. This applies to people concerned or scared about taking that first step. We want to address these fears and misconceptions head-on, to alleviate some of the anxiety you may feel about the process. Ultimately, we hope you realize that meeting with a financial advisor can be a valuable step toward building a strong financial foundation. 

Unraveling Investment Myths

The biggest misconception we want to address that deters people from investing is the fear of volatility and potential loss. Listen, the financial market lends itself to fluctuations; there’s no denying that. However, these concerns can be alleviated by remembering that investing is a long-term strategy. This isn’t a casino. Casino games are designed around “negative expectations.” Over the long term, the house has a mathematical advantage. The reverse is true with long-term investing, where we will help you discover a “positive expectation.” Financial advisors can achieve this by helping you develop a diversified investment portfolio that meets your risk tolerance and financial goals. Skilled advisors minimize risk while working toward maximum returns. 

There Are Several Components to Building Wealth

Investing is only one component of what we do here. Building your net worth goes beyond investing. We combine various elements, and when they are utilized correctly, they can lead to growth when used correctly. Let’s look at ways to increase your net worth outside of investing. 

  • Taxes are your most significant liability. One of the most overlooked elements of wealth creation is tax optimization. A financial advisor can guide you through the complex world of tax planning. The more we learn about you, the better our position will assist you in finding tax deductions, credits, and unique ways to alleviate your tax burden. Stop assuming that only the 1% know how to pay less in taxes. When we say that everyone deserves a financial advisor, we want you to realize that you have the same ability to save on your taxes. 
  • Budgeting & Saving: There are so many people that say they want to invest but simply don’t have the money to do so. We get it. However, this indirectly says that you may need financial help. Something as fundamental as having a realistic budget that prioritizes saving can make a significant difference in your life. Use a financial advisor to gain valuable insight into managing expenses, discover where you can cut back, and then redirect those savings toward wealth-building opportunities. 
  • Debt Management: If you are carrying debt you cannot get out of under, take action. Advisors can also help you manage this effectively. With assistance, you can devise a debt management plan while exploring ways to minimize your interest payments. It is a crucial step toward gaining financial freedom. 

Begin Your Journey 

Building net worth requires knowledge, patience, and deliberate decision-making. When you partner with the team at Worth Advisors LLC, you will have access to experienced financial professionals who firmly believe in serving and helping. It’s who we are. Don’t allow fear to stop you from realizing your financial potential. Take the first step by scheduling a consultation with us.

How Ten Percent Is Greater Than Twelve

Those who have chosen to work with Worth Advisors, LLC understand the answer to the title’s questions. To better understand what we are talking about, consider the following choice: You meet with a team of financial advisors who guarantee that if you invest with them, they will get you a 12% return. Before you commit to anything, you hear about another team, say Worth Advisors, LLC, who have earned their past clients a 10% return on their investment. What decision are you inclined to make?

Even though we used ourselves as people who will generate a smaller return, most people will read the previous hypothetical question and answer that the only obvious answer is to go with the more considerable return. If you arrive at the same conclusion, you are not alone. People are inclined to go with the 12% because they assume it is the best way to accumulate wealth. However, they aren’t seeing the whole picture. 

Let Us Explain

Investing is merely one component of the overall whole. Even if another firm can generate a more significant return, it may not be able to increase your wealth in the way that Worth Advisors, LLC can. Look at it another way: Would you rather get a 12% return on your investment or save $400,000? When you look at it that way, the answer is more apparent. And it is also the mindset that our financial advisors have adopted. 

Net worth is your most important metric. The person who jumped at the 12% over the 10% return doesn’t realize there are several ways to increase your net worth significantly. There are ways to save money in every facet of your life, extending well beyond investing. It equates to how you have financed your home and how much you can save in taxes, estate planning, and accountability. We look at all these elements, which are unique to the client, and find ways they can increase their net worth. Though it may not sound as fancy or lucrative as investing (which we will assist you with), you can save money simply by choosing the right credit card type. If you and your family decide to enhance your life by traveling, finding an appropriate credit card with travel rewards could save you tens of thousands of dollars a year. 

Look at the Larger Picture

Most people will elaborate on the safety of diversifying your portfolio, but you also must consider expanding how you build overall wealth. Our advisors look at the entirety of your life and the goals you have set and work with you in myriad ways. 

  • Budgeting & saving
  • Investing over the long term rather than “timing the market.”
  • Increasing your income 
  • Reducing debt 
  • Owning real estate as part of a reliable investment strategy
  • Finding ways to maximize your retirement contributions
  • Helping you shape and build the business you want to begin

Increase Your Net Worth
Getting the most out of your investments is only one of the ways we assist our clients. Getting a 12% return on your investment may be eradicated if you pay more taxes than you should. This is why you should speak with Sherise Jones, a CPA who assists clients with minimizing their tax burden—which is likely your largest liability. We aim to empower you to make better, wiser, and more effective financial decisions. By working with us, find new and innovative ways to increase your net worth. Contact our office today and set up a consultation.

The Logic Behind Exchange Traded Funds (ETF)

One of our core beliefs is that everyone should have access to a financial advisor who meets them where they are. Anyone who has visited our website and viewed our two investment approaches will see how there is an appropriate strategy for them, regardless of their current assets and liabilities. These two approaches encapsulate our range of services because the first one—the Core Satellite Portfolio—has a minimum investment of $500,000. This is a significant amount of money, but that is no reason to be deterred from investing. The Model ETF Portfolio shows how different strategies can be applied to meet people’s current financial position. Those living primarily on a fixed income and with relatively low equity can still benefit from a low-risk, low-reward investment model. On the opposite side, there are higher-risk, higher-return strategies. 

Three factors play into where you land on this spectrum:

  • Tactical asset allocation
  • Strategic asset allocation
  • Dynamic asset allocation

These terms can be applied to households and discussed in a business context. Tactical assets are used primarily for day-to-day activities. Strategic assets are used for long-term planning. Dynamic assets can be used on demand for sudden needs or opportunities. For most people, tactical assets could be groceries, strategic assets can be your physical home, and your dynamic assets can be used to add an addition to your home as your family grows. Depending on the home or business, these terms will be applied differently, but that is the general concept. 

How ETFs Factor In

Though our two investment approaches differ, ETFs are common to both. These are a type of investment that is traded on stock exchanges. They are similar to individual stocks and mutual funds but also have key differences. Like a mutual fund, they track a specific index such as the S&P 500 or NASDAQ. However, it is extremely important to highlight that an ETF can be traded like an individual stock on an exchange, which is something you cannot do with a mutual fund. 

That is also why people may pursue an EFT over a mutual fund. Because EFTs can be traded, this gives them an additional layer of flexibility and is considered more of a liquid investment option when compared to a traditional mutual fund. Additionally, having lower expense ratios than mutual funds makes them a desirable investment option for various people with varying assets and liabilities. 

Choose to Work Alongside a Financial AdvisorSome people may choose a mutual fund because it is relatively hands-off. You can put money into a basic mutual fund, which can be an excellent vehicle for long-term growth. However, due to how they are traded in real-time, you can work with an investor who can take advantage of opportunities and adjust their portfolios as required. Still, they are relatively easy to use, have low costs, and are liquid assets. If you have additional questions about our investment strategies or ETFs, contact Worth Advisors, LLC, to discuss the right path for you.

Worth Is A Vital Component Of Your Team

Looking through our services, you will notice that we offer estate and elder care planning. It is essential to understand what these are, how they differ from one another, and how a financial planner fits into the equation. Regarding the last point, these are two areas of the law. Although some estate planning attorneys also practice elder law, you will likely need legal counsel to get the full range of protection. With that said, a lawyer may also advise you to seek the assistance of a financial planner who is accustomed to handling them. 

The difference between the two is relatively simple. Estate planning is an area of the law that answers what happens to the assets accumulated during your lifetime. (Estate plans generally also include durable and healthcare powers of attorney and other critical documents for incapacity planning.) Elder law centers around maintaining your quality of life as you age. 

For example, as of now, anyone over 65 has a 70% chance of requiring a nursing home. In North Carolina, a skilled nursing facility may cost upwards of $7000–$8000 a month. Some of these people spend several years in the facility, and they can’t afford it. Additionally, they have too many assets to qualify for Medicaid. The mistake many people make is that they find ways of reducing their assets to become eligible for it. Doing this requires the help of an elder law attorney and a financial planner because if you do it incorrectly, you could sell or give up your assets and still not receive Medicaid. There are ways to have both, but you must surround yourself with the right team of professionals. 

The Role of the Financial Planner

We have repeatedly stated that everyone, not just the wealthy, can benefit from financial planning. The same applies to estate planning. If an estate plan can assist you with transferring your assets to others, then it is paramount that you know what your assets are. You will likely possess tangible assets such as your home, cars, and personal property, but you also have a series of intangible ones.

  • IRAs
  • Investments
  • Bonds
  • Mutual Funds
  • % of ownership in businesses (shares)
  • Various bank accounts

Your financial planner will have a command of the assets you own and how much they are worth. Although we would be remiss not to highlight that an estate plan comes with many tax consequences, which a financial planner can assist you with. Lastly, many people embrace distributing their assets without considering how they will do so. What are the financial needs associated with the people you leave behind? Whether you have a special needs child or want to ensure your appointed guardian has the financial resources to care for the minor children you ask them to raise. 

Protect Your Assets with Worth Advisors, LLC
Working with a financial planner gives you professional support and guidance regarding estate planning and affording long-term care, such as a nursing home. When you face these challenges, we will review and consult you regarding asset protection and risk management. Our goal is to serve you and find ways to protect you and your family from the unexpected. Contact us to schedule a consultation with one of our financial planners.

When Is It Time To Begin Investing?

In previous posts, we talked, listed, and shouted about the benefits of investing. Maybe you’ve read our blogs about why people who begin early have an extensive advantage over those who wait, or why dollar-cost averaging makes sense for the person who (adeptly) is looking toward long-term gains. However, you may have read every word, watched our videos, and walked away from our content agreeing with what we said—in theory. In other words, you may be in your thirties, and whatever money you earn goes out just as quickly. As much as you want to invest and build your financial future, you still need to pay your bills, put food on the table, and provide for your family. 

We understand. Believing that investing is for everyone is a cornerstone of Worth Advisors, LLC. If you fit the description of the person we described above, then we are just as eager to serve you. Though you may not be ready to make significant investments, you can still work toward being in that position. Knowing how much money is coming in and out of your house (cash flow) is actively building your future. With this in mind, we want to explain your financial position before you begin investing because we want to encourage you to take a step toward a better financial future. 

Where It Begins

Your first step is ensuring you have a positive cash flow plan, which you must keep. This includes streaming services, eating out (or paying the additional costs associated with things like DoorDash), and anything else that is a fundamental necessity. Don’t look at it as cutting out the things you enjoy; think of it as paying yourself before you pay others. If you have to choose between buying a new coat or saving money, select the latter, especially if you already have a coat. This requires discipline, but if you choose the coat, you may do so to your detriment. 

Putting money into savings is a step forward, but it isn’t the end result—not yet, anyway. So how much money do you need to have in your savings account? The money in your savings account is your emergency reserve. You need to have enough money to last you twelve months. However, that doesn’t mean all that money should be in your bank. If your income was suddenly shut down, how much money would you need to survive for three months? That is what goes into the bank. That is your goal, and then you can begin saving the rest in a brokerage portfolio. When you work with our financial advisors, we will select a conservative portfolio because we understand that even though you invest this money, it is still part of your emergency reserve. The money is doing some work for you, but it is improbable that you will lose it. 

When you have twelve months of an emergency reserve split between a savings account and a conservative brokerage portfolio, you and your financial advisor will likely begin investing more aggressively. 

Worth Advisors, LLC, Exists to Serve You
We will meet you where you are. If you are the type of person described in the first section, we can guide you toward a better financial future. Investing is for everyone. This is more than a slogan or tagline; it is who we are. Our advisors can assist you with cash flow planning and will create a customized investment plan based on your needs and objectives. Contact Worth Advisors, LLC, and set up a consultation with us today.

The Advantage Of Starting Your Retirement Planning Early

People in their early twenties are quick to dismiss planning for the future because they have ample time to do so in the future. Typically, this can be witnessed by their lack of estate and retirement planning. However, when someone gets older and realizes the importance of having both, they may contact an estate planning attorney and a financial advisor. After they have created an estate plan, they may have a will, a trust, or both. When these documents are in place, they are covered in the event of incapacity or death. Though they waited to establish their estate plan, they still reap the benefits of their efforts. 

The same cannot be said for retirement planning. Anyone with experience with it will explain that young people have the massive advantage of time. Financial planners and your friends and family will tell you to make your money work for you and use compound interest to your advantage. Our purpose today is to explain these expressions and how accurate they are. 

The Importance of Compounding Interest 

Before we show you how vital compound interest is, we will address one of the most common reasons why many young people avoid creating a retirement plan: They don’t have enough money. There are too many bills, and any money that comes in goes out just as quickly. As a young person, you are less likely to have a family and a mortgage. You won’t have many liabilities besides your student loans and car payments. Although we understand that the pressure of paying your bills and building your assets is essential, don’t overlook the gift of time. 

Whatever you do have, put it toward your retirement. To show you how feasible this is, we will use the following numbers:

  • $500
  • $50
  • 5%

The first number ($500) is your initial investment. It’s likely slightly higher than your car payment (hopefully). Our point still stands even if you can’t afford to invest $500 right now. The next number ($50) is your monthly contribution. You can get an extra $50 simply by eating out one less time a month. When you see what this $50 can do for you, you will quickly see that the benefits significantly outweigh your sacrifices. The last number (5%) is your annual interest rate. (A typical 401(k) usually has a 5-8% return.) If you put in $500 initially and contribute only $50 a month at a rate of 5%, how much money will you have in 45 years? $100,312.60. (At 8%, the amount jumps to $247,863.60!)

Begin Planning Alongside Worth Advisors, LLC
Get started today. Our financial advisors will meet you where you are because we believe that our services are for everyone, regardless of your assets and liabilities. Tomorrow can be better than today, and we want to help guide you. Use the time to your advantage and begin for the future. Contact our office to schedule a meeting with one of the experienced and compassionate financial advisors committed to serving you.

What Is Stopping You From Investing?

After spending time with our firm or our advisors, you will discover that we believe investing is for everyone. You may have even looked through our website and watched our videos. Though you may agree with our message and advice regarding long-term investments, you may be quick to point out that you don’t have the money to do so. You’re juggling a mortgage, student loans, and even the dreaded credit card debt. After you factor in utilities, car payments, and cell phone bills, there’s nothing left for retirement. 

You Can Still Make Progress

One of the things Glen Wright, our CEO, advocates is that you should pay yourself first. The idea behind this is that you should never spend all your money. Whatever item you want, it’s not more important than having twelve months of living expenses. Two of those twelve can be in the bank, and the rest should be invested. 

What if you don’t even have that? Can you still invest? Yes, and you can do so by having multiple goals. For instance, you work on paying your debts, building your emergency savings, and putting money aside for retirement. Is it going to be a lot? No, but it is better than what you are doing right now. Secondly, not all debts are created equal, and you need to tackle the ones with the highest interest rates, i.e., your credit cards. 

Remember the rule of 72. If the interest rate on your credit card is 20%, divide it by 72. If you do that, you will come up with 3.6. That’s how many years it will take for your credit card debt to double. Get your credit card debt down to zero while making small but incremental deposits to your retirement and savings accounts. 

The Benefits of Debt Stacking

Let’s pretend that you put $100 toward your credit card bill, retirement account, and savings ($300 in total). If you are disciplined enough to avoid using your card, you will eventually pay it off. When you do, you now have an extra $100. Instead of treating this as additional spending money, pay yourself first! Now, you can put more money into your retirement and savings. After you have 12 months of living expenses, that money can be parlayed into retirement. 

Remember that paying off your debts is critical, but it should not eliminate your need to invest for your retirement and future. Compounding interest benefits those who start investing at a young age. Even though you may feel like you are doing the right thing by focusing entirely on your debts, you may be doing yourself and your future self a disservice. 
Regardless of your financial position or concerns, everyone can benefit from investing. You aren’t in this alone, and our qualified team of financial advisors is here to support you and your financial goals. If you’re ready to get started, then we are too. Contact Worth Advisors, LLC, to schedule a time to meet us.

The Fundamentals Of Dollar-Cost Averaging

Whether you work with us or follow our blog, you may hear us reiterate specific themes. For instance, the professionals at Worth Advisors, LLC believe that financial management is for everyone regardless of their economic position or perceived status. Another one of our core messages is that you should stop trying to time the market. Recall movies such as The Wolf of Wall Street or just Wall Street. People unfamiliar with investments or investment strategies may need help understanding what financial advisors do. 

Specifically, we are referring to “timing the market.” Hypothetically, this is when you invest in something when it is low and before it suddenly increases in value. Then you sell your shares for a significant profit. Anyone who thinks this is what investing is may dismiss it outright. If they don’t understand the market and cannot foresee a trend, they assume investing is for those who do. This is unequivocally false, and we are about to explain why. 

Let Success Come to You 

Timing the market is difficult even for experienced investors! Instead of trying to predict the market, accept that it will fluctuate and irregular intervals. Dollar-cost averaging embraces this concept and can deliver long-term financial success despite fluctuations. The basic premise of dollar-cost averaging is that you invest at regular intervals regardless of the purchase price. To give you an easy example, imagine that you have $1200 to invest. Rather than spending your $1200 on one stock and hoping the market works in your favor, i.e., timing the market, invest $100 a month in a mutual or index fund. 

When the market is up, and prices are high, your $100 will yield fewer shares. When the market is down and prices are low, that same $100 investment will enable you to purchase more shares. People who invest this way shift their focus to the long-term. Why? Because over several years, you will likely see that your cost per share, on average, is lower than if you had invested the money all at once. 

Experience a Shift in Mindset

When you understand how basic dollar-cost averaging is—and how well it works—you will embrace the fact that investing is for anyone willing to do it. It comes down to discipline instead of studying and watching the market round-the-clock in hopes of gambling a sum of money on the market. Allow yourself the freedom to invest despite what the market is doing, and have confidence that you will succeed over the long term. 

Dollar-cost averaging is one way to survive the inherent corrections of the market. At Worth Advisors, LLC, we believe in a diversified approach by investing in stocks, mutual funds, ETFs, bonds, and closed-end funds. Although we incorporate principles that we firmly believe in, our approach to each client is customized to their needs and financial goals. When we design a portfolio for you, we will ensure it is tax-friendly. Why? Because taxes are your most significant liability. (You may have heard us say this before!)

Regardless, contact us today and discover why investing is for you. It’s your future, but we want to ensure you are financially prepared.